The Journey Has Just Begun
Five months, three weeks and one day. That is the time I've spent in India as of the date I board the plane for our vacation to Thailand....
Real Life, Real Friends, Real Blessings in Bangalore
Ok. So. I've had a bit of trouble adjusting since Japen left to return to the USA. It was very difficult to let him go so quickly after...
Japen, Finally!
After twice a day phone calls, occasional Skypes and lots of emotional waiting, Japen finally made his way from the suburb of Flower...
Bangalore and Me
First, CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN IN INDIA FOR 3 MONTHS????!!!! Some days, it seems as though I just got here, and I know...
Hampi - I strayed a bit... My 45th birthday, New Friends and a Christian Church in India
This is going to be a long one. But there's some good stuff here. I promise (if you don't make fun of my old man sandals). HAMPI: I know...
WARNING! I'm going to come off as an ungrateful complainer in these first few paragraphs. This is mainly because I'll be complaining. I...
A Week of Firsts
Today is Father's Day, so first I want to wish my dad a very happy day! Thank you for my FIRST care package delivery in India. It made it...
Settling in...right?
I've been scolded for not including any photos of myself, so above is a pic of Francis, Liya, Me, Lillie and Tyler at the winery. :)...
First Days in Bangalore
My first 10 days in Bangalore have been wonderfully overwhelming. This peaceful sunrise and a glorious cup of McDonald's coffee that I...
Travel Day Part Deux - Qatar Airways & Arrival in BLR
DFW is easy to navigate as I've been through the international D terminal a million times. My view from the business class lounge was one...